Sunday, January 25, 2009

Random progress (TasteBook, new job, etc...)

It's been a little bit since I've updated so I figured I'd take a few minutes here. The new job's going well. I can leave work having the feeling that I'm a part of something good which is obviously a good thing. The only thing I feel a smidge uneasy about is we have to finish our calls in four minutes which kind of sucks because I feel guilty cutting people off on their stories & can't really slow down on the speech that explains it all or answer too many questions. But, I've got to keep my ducks in a row. Three girls who started at the same time as I did (a week ago) have already been let go. I'll tell you that was a wake up call. I enjoy chatting with the girls that I work with & lately it's been slower so I've been able to get some reading time in. I finished The Undomestic Goddess & will probably pick up Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I'd gotten that from Autumn for Christmas last year & read about half of it. I guess I got distracted or something happened in life that I stopped reading it. It was interesting, so that is kinda weird.
I found a wicked cool site today Tastebook where you can upload all of your recipes to it & at the point you're ready to you can buy a cookbook of your recipes. it's a binder that you can add to, too. So if you want to add more pages (that look the same) you can add more. It costs money which sucks, but it looks really nice & isn't that expensive. I had a three ring binder with my recipes in it, but it's just been hard keeping them organized & looking nice, so I think this may be a step in the right direction.
I got my belated Christmas present from Autumn. It was great by it self & the fact that it helps me with #5 & #66 on the list. She gave me three new tops & a gift card to iTunes. I was itchin to wear some new clothes, so I wore them Wednesday, Thursday & Friday of this week. In my opinion I think they looked nice & fit me well. The biggest thing I need to work on is getting more classic pieces, though & build from there with other tops & accessories. I had way too much fun shopping for songs on iTunes. I'm gettin there to building up my music collection again. I had a really good sized CD case full of CDs a few years ago, but I'm not sure if it was stolen, borrowed & never given back or lost because I don't have any of them anymore.
The water drinking is going alright. I haven't really been able to get a full 32-64 ounces in, but I am trying. The soda ban is great so far. Really the only time I miss it is with a meal, but with that & working out a little more & watching what I eat a little more I might be able to start losing a few of these pounds I'm trying to get rid of. Oh, and I finally bought a bottle of vitamins.
One other thing that popped in my head when I was grabbing the List numbers for the labels. I made a wicked baby step on the wedding planning. I was talking to one of the girls at work, Mary Kate, and we were just chatting about all kinds of stuff. Rich & my relationship came up. I told her we're engaged. I really don't do that much anymore because when I do then they ask when the wedding date is & then I have to hang my head in shame and tell them October 1st, 2011. It just sounds sill because it's so far away. But, she was cool with that and then she asked if we had any details about it. I told her that I had always since I was a little girls wanted to have a beach wedding, but since moving up here & seeing the beaches I kind of rethought that idea because they're quite different than what I'm used to. After our first fall here that sealed the deal. The foliage is gorgeous. I was kind of still holding out hope for water near a foliage ful area. At my last job one of my customers brought me to their company website
& I adored it. Well, I made the mistake at one point of telling some of the girls at work this & then they asked me if I'd been there, and once again I had to hang my head in shame and say no, not yet. Well, Mary Kate put my worries aside a bit by telling me she's been there & it is GORGEOUS, so that made me pretty happy.
Oh...and I joined the

(details are here
) &

so maybe that'll help me keep on track with a lil community support. The new book on docket is

and you can read the cover flaps here. Just for reference the last book was

& here's a lil synopsis
of that.