Sunday, January 18, 2009

Baby steppin

In the words of Bob Wiley, baby steppin, baby steppin, I'm doin the work. Im' not a slacker.  I haven't been able to "check off" that many items on my list this week, but then again it's 101 Things To Do In 1001 Days not 30.  I mean in reality this list is about self improvement of my quality of life.  Basically I'd say my list is split up into 3 categories

  1.  a regular to do list of not so fun things (legalities, financial, home, pets)
  2. things that are classically fun (my relationship with Rich, fun for fun sake)
  3. in between (health & appearance, mental health and well being and intellectual furthering, cooking)
Like I said in my post Prioritization
I worry about money a lot. I mean a lot. I think a lot of it comes from guilt from past financial irresponsibility. I mean I wasn't really that bad, I just wasn't good, and I don't want to fall into those habits again. I've learned a lot from Money Matters message board
, and as my List shows I like Dave Ramsey\'s 7 Baby Steps
. Anyway the point of bringing that up was that I get wicked guilty when I spend money on things that aren't necessary (bills, groceries, gas, debt reduction, savings.) But, hopefully w/my new job (more about that in a minute) and not having so many payroll deductions like I had at Deluxe we'll be able to make progress and I'll feel okay with spending $ on some fun stuff, too.
I haven't been doing half bad w/flossing. I fell off the wagon a bit when I started work & am only at 64% success rate, but it should be okay. I've hard a few times that if you do something 30 days in a row it becomes a habit, so I'd say that first 30 days are the hardest and then it should be cake.
Bonus on my water drinking goal. I forgot that we had bought a replacement filter for the PUR water pitcher we have. So, that's one less thing I have to buy. I would still like to get a cute 32 oz water bottle. This one is so cute Victoria\'s Secret watter bottle. I hate the color pink, but I like the little motivational benchmarks on it like "Hey have a sip" on the top & "Drink Up Baby" almost on the bottom. But, until then I've been doing good at home & I'm going to try and find the lid to my favorite Starbux travel mug. It's silver sparkly & cute, but not too girly.
Drinking more water should hopefully make the soda ban (for two weeks ) easier. I even have a worksheet on my workbook for that. lol I'm starting today & it's ends conveniently on the last day of the month.
I finished Swapping Lives. Most of it was pretty good, but it got a bit whiny towards the end of their swaps, and wrapped up a little quick. I started book #2 of the 32 that i'm going for. The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella. Jane Green & Sophie Kinsella are pretty much my two favorite authors. They're both pretty much the same genre. I know I really need to broaden my horizons, though. But, I've got 30 more books to go, plus the 5 banned books, 5 from the New York Times Bestseller List, and 5 classics, so I think I should be good.
We used our gift cards that we got from Rich's grandmother for Christmas to Outback. I'm going to count this as our weekly date week. It was delish as usual. I have Phantom Gourmet\'s Guide To Boston\'s Best Restaurants book and I bought Rich the 2009 Entertainment Book for Christmas, and we've used a couple coupons out of the Entertainment book, but to be honest I think the only place we've been to out of the the Phantom Gourmet Guide is The Melting Pot and Fuddrucker's. Both not intentionally for the purpose of checking out restaurants in the book. The Melting Pot we went to for Rich's 25th birthday. I'd been to one of their franchises in Orlando with my friend, Steph, and her mom and her friend when we went on vacation to her timeshare back in 2003 (incidentally my last vacation.) I loved it all three courses. When I went with Rich it was good, but way too filling. I almost felt sick with how much I ate. You can't exactly get a to-go box. Fuddrucker's I'd never been to before. They had one in Tampa, but for some reason I'd never made it. We went to the one in Methuen on a whim. It's pretty darn good. A little on the pricey side for a burger and fry place, though.
The "Get a Job" item should be in some mid color between green & red, maybe yellow or something. I have a job, but it's only a temporary assignment. It's for five weeks. I'm actually pretty proud of it, though. Its The Citizens Energy Oil Heat Program or as some call it the Joe For Oil Program. Joe Kennedy, of The Kennedys (he's Bobby Kennedy's son) is a big part in this program that is grant funded to help those in need. It's a one time delivery of 100 gallons of oil. It doesn't seem like a difficult job, but it seems like it should actually have intrinsic instead of just financial rewards to the corporation I work for.
Anyhow, speaking of work, I've gotta weather the storm & get to BBW (Bath & Body Works.) The roads are apparently horrible, but it's time & a half.