Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Progress or lack there of on the list's the nine year anniversary of my dad passing away.  I always feel kind of weird about it.  I've always wanted to do something simple on the day to mark it, but not make a big deal of it.  I can't ever put my finger on what to do, though.  For me it, along with my mom's anniversary, my birthday & New Year's, always turn out to be a reflection on where my life is now & where I think (or where I think my mom & dad would want it to be & if they'd be proud of me if they were still here.)  I think that my list is a good way towards meeting my own expectations for myself, and what I believe my parents expectations were of me.  

I feel bad that this post is kind of a downer, but what do you expect?  Other than this post this blog has stayed pretty positive & I've enjoyed seeing & feeling that.  I had a blog on Xanga a long time ago, but no one was subscribed to it so it was more like a diary and kind of turned into a fill-in session to a really good friend of me who did actually follow it.  I've also blogged on MySpace, but a lot of the time when I look back they're very mopey & negative.  I'm really trying to look towards the future & make actions to make myself a better person.  I've also been struggling hard with comparing myself to others.  MySpace and Facebook can be a great tool to keep in contact with long lost friends & acquaintances, but it also can lead to lots of comparing yourself to others' online personas.  I know that everyone has had a different journey to where they're at, and that profile's aren't usually a 100% snapshot of a person's life and that if anything's going to be left out it would be the negative parts.  I guess I've just become more & more overly honest & open about my life and my feelings.

Anyhow, I've so far succeeded with #8 (Flossing Daily) and I've been working on #22 (Reading...)  I've thought about #16 (attempt to give blood), but my diet hasn't been the best lately and I want to make sure I've had a quality meal before I go to maybe not pass out.  My dad was a multi-gallooneer, and I always wanted to give that gift as well.  The first year I was able to I tried.  We had a semi-annual blood drive at my high school.  I passed out.  First time in my life I'd fainted.  I tried again my senior year and same thing.  I've actually fainted just having blood taken for a blood test.  I'm not a squeamish person, or afraid of needles, nor am I anemic or anything of the such.  I have had blood taken for blood tests & when I had my bone marrow typed for a drive, and I did not pass out.  My guess is it's actually watching the blood come out.

Moving on, though.  I should be getting a pretty decent check Friday, so I'm going to get a few things to help with the list (a Brita filter for the pitcher we have, a BPA free bottle, more SuperFloss, some multi-vitamins, maybe some more music on iTunes, probably set some $ aside for the legalities section, probably go to play pool, and maybe work on wardrobe/lil black dress/workout clothes.)