It's been a little bit since I've updated so I figured I'd take a few minutes here. The new job's going well. I can leave work having the feeling that I'm a part of something good which is obviously a good thing. The only thing I feel a smidge uneasy about is we have to finish our calls in four minutes which kind of sucks because I feel guilty cutting people off on their stories & can't really slow down on the speech that explains it all or answer too many questions. But, I've got to keep my ducks in a row. Three girls who started at the same time as I did (a week ago) have already been let go. I'll tell you that was a wake up call. I enjoy chatting with the girls that I work with & lately it's been slower so I've been able to get some reading time in. I finished The Undomestic Goddess & will probably pick up Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I'd gotten that from Autumn for Christmas last year & read about half of it. I guess I got distracted or something happened in life that I stopped reading it. It was interesting, so that is kinda weird.
I found a wicked cool site today Tastebook where you can upload all of your recipes to it & at the point you're ready to you can buy a cookbook of your recipes. it's a binder that you can add to, too. So if you want to add more pages (that look the same) you can add more. It costs money which sucks, but it looks really nice & isn't that expensive. I had a three ring binder with my recipes in it, but it's just been hard keeping them organized & looking nice, so I think this may be a step in the right direction.
I got my belated Christmas present from Autumn. It was great by it self & the fact that it helps me with #5 & #66 on the list. She gave me three new tops & a gift card to iTunes. I was itchin to wear some new clothes, so I wore them Wednesday, Thursday & Friday of this week. In my opinion I think they looked nice & fit me well. The biggest thing I need to work on is getting more classic pieces, though & build from there with other tops & accessories. I had way too much fun shopping for songs on iTunes. I'm gettin there to building up my music collection again. I had a really good sized CD case full of CDs a few years ago, but I'm not sure if it was stolen, borrowed & never given back or lost because I don't have any of them anymore.
The water drinking is going alright. I haven't really been able to get a full 32-64 ounces in, but I am trying. The soda ban is great so far. Really the only time I miss it is with a meal, but with that & working out a little more & watching what I eat a little more I might be able to start losing a few of these pounds I'm trying to get rid of. Oh, and I finally bought a bottle of vitamins.
One other thing that popped in my head when I was grabbing the List numbers for the labels. I made a wicked baby step on the wedding planning. I was talking to one of the girls at work, Mary Kate, and we were just chatting about all kinds of stuff. Rich & my relationship came up. I told her we're engaged. I really don't do that much anymore because when I do then they ask when the wedding date is & then I have to hang my head in shame and tell them October 1st, 2011. It just sounds sill because it's so far away. But, she was cool with that and then she asked if we had any details about it. I told her that I had always since I was a little girls wanted to have a beach wedding, but since moving up here & seeing the beaches I kind of rethought that idea because they're quite different than what I'm used to. After our first fall here that sealed the deal. The foliage is gorgeous. I was kind of still holding out hope for water near a foliage ful area. At my last job one of my customers brought me to their company website
& I adored it. Well, I made the mistake at one point of telling some of the girls at work this & then they asked me if I'd been there, and once again I had to hang my head in shame and say no, not yet. Well, Mary Kate put my worries aside a bit by telling me she's been there & it is GORGEOUS, so that made me pretty happy.
Oh...and I joined the
(details are here
) &
so maybe that'll help me keep on track with a lil community support. The new book on docket is
and you can read the cover flaps here. Just for reference the last book was
& here's a lil synopsis
of that.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Random progress (TasteBook, new job, etc...)
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Baby steppin
In the words of Bob Wiley, baby steppin, baby steppin, I'm doin the work. Im' not a slacker. I haven't been able to "check off" that many items on my list this week, but then again it's 101 Things To Do In 1001 Days not 30. I mean in reality this list is about self improvement of my quality of life. Basically I'd say my list is split up into 3 categories
- a regular to do list of not so fun things (legalities, financial, home, pets)
- things that are classically fun (my relationship with Rich, fun for fun sake)
- in between (health & appearance, mental health and well being and intellectual furthering, cooking)
I worry about money a lot. I mean a lot. I think a lot of it comes from guilt from past financial irresponsibility. I mean I wasn't really that bad, I just wasn't good, and I don't want to fall into those habits again. I've learned a lot from Money Matters message board
, and as my List shows I like Dave Ramsey\'s 7 Baby Steps
. Anyway the point of bringing that up was that I get wicked guilty when I spend money on things that aren't necessary (bills, groceries, gas, debt reduction, savings.) But, hopefully w/my new job (more about that in a minute) and not having so many payroll deductions like I had at Deluxe we'll be able to make progress and I'll feel okay with spending $ on some fun stuff, too.
I haven't been doing half bad w/flossing. I fell off the wagon a bit when I started work & am only at 64% success rate, but it should be okay. I've hard a few times that if you do something 30 days in a row it becomes a habit, so I'd say that first 30 days are the hardest and then it should be cake.
Bonus on my water drinking goal. I forgot that we had bought a replacement filter for the PUR water pitcher we have. So, that's one less thing I have to buy. I would still like to get a cute 32 oz water bottle. This one is so cute Victoria\'s Secret watter bottle. I hate the color pink, but I like the little motivational benchmarks on it like "Hey have a sip" on the top & "Drink Up Baby" almost on the bottom. But, until then I've been doing good at home & I'm going to try and find the lid to my favorite Starbux travel mug. It's silver sparkly & cute, but not too girly.
Drinking more water should hopefully make the soda ban (for two weeks ) easier. I even have a worksheet on my workbook for that. lol I'm starting today & it's ends conveniently on the last day of the month.
I finished Swapping Lives. Most of it was pretty good, but it got a bit whiny towards the end of their swaps, and wrapped up a little quick. I started book #2 of the 32 that i'm going for. The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella. Jane Green & Sophie Kinsella are pretty much my two favorite authors. They're both pretty much the same genre. I know I really need to broaden my horizons, though. But, I've got 30 more books to go, plus the 5 banned books, 5 from the New York Times Bestseller List, and 5 classics, so I think I should be good.
We used our gift cards that we got from Rich's grandmother for Christmas to Outback. I'm going to count this as our weekly date week. It was delish as usual. I have Phantom Gourmet\'s Guide To Boston\'s Best Restaurants book and I bought Rich the 2009 Entertainment Book for Christmas, and we've used a couple coupons out of the Entertainment book, but to be honest I think the only place we've been to out of the the Phantom Gourmet Guide is The Melting Pot and Fuddrucker's. Both not intentionally for the purpose of checking out restaurants in the book. The Melting Pot we went to for Rich's 25th birthday. I'd been to one of their franchises in Orlando with my friend, Steph, and her mom and her friend when we went on vacation to her timeshare back in 2003 (incidentally my last vacation.) I loved it all three courses. When I went with Rich it was good, but way too filling. I almost felt sick with how much I ate. You can't exactly get a to-go box. Fuddrucker's I'd never been to before. They had one in Tampa, but for some reason I'd never made it. We went to the one in Methuen on a whim. It's pretty darn good. A little on the pricey side for a burger and fry place, though.
The "Get a Job" item should be in some mid color between green & red, maybe yellow or something. I have a job, but it's only a temporary assignment. It's for five weeks. I'm actually pretty proud of it, though. Its The Citizens Energy Oil Heat Program or as some call it the Joe For Oil Program. Joe Kennedy, of The Kennedys (he's Bobby Kennedy's son) is a big part in this program that is grant funded to help those in need. It's a one time delivery of 100 gallons of oil. It doesn't seem like a difficult job, but it seems like it should actually have intrinsic instead of just financial rewards to the corporation I work for.
Anyhow, speaking of work, I've gotta weather the storm & get to BBW (Bath & Body Works.) The roads are apparently horrible, but it's time & a half.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Progress or lack there of on the list's the nine year anniversary of my dad passing away. I always feel kind of weird about it. I've always wanted to do something simple on the day to mark it, but not make a big deal of it. I can't ever put my finger on what to do, though. For me it, along with my mom's anniversary, my birthday & New Year's, always turn out to be a reflection on where my life is now & where I think (or where I think my mom & dad would want it to be & if they'd be proud of me if they were still here.) I think that my list is a good way towards meeting my own expectations for myself, and what I believe my parents expectations were of me.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Charting out the 101 things to do in 1001 days list
So, here we go. I made a chart with the dates from Wednesday, January 7th, 2009 to Wednesday, October 5th, 2011 for the "A Habit" section, and saved it on my desktop (I have a very clutterfree desktop.) So, basically I'm going to open the file every morning as a reminder of my goals & by the end of the night hopefully w/a little work be able to mark that I completed the goal for the day (drinking 64 fl. ozs., flossing, vitamins.) I also included the aerobic workout and cleaning the house, but to make it easier for myself chart wise I have it daily, but made my "yellow line" 57%. Meaning if I complete the goal less than 57% of the time I'm in trouble. I also made a chart for going to the salon every other month, but that has only 15 months, so that was a bit easier on the eyes. I also have a pie chart to the left of the date chart. They say that doing something consistently for 30 days makes a habit.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Prioritizing the 101 things to do in 1001 days list
So...I finished the list. A good amount was just fresh on my brain or on other lists I had previously made. Some of it I was inspired by from other people's 101 in 1001 Lists that were online. It wasn't necessarily stolen or not something I would ordinarily want to do. 101 is just a lot of things, that's all.
Try to drink at least 64 oz. of h2o a day.
Get to the salon every other month.
Get an aerobic workout at least 4x a week.
Floss regularly
Take vitamins daily.
Be consistent on house cleaning and not letting it pile up.
Attempt to donate platelets
Color my hair a different color.
Have professional pictures taken of us.
Go on a hot air balloon ride.
Go to a drive in movie.
Go to a bed & breakfast.
Go stargazing.
Go on a picnic.
Take a first aid class
Throw a house warming party for ourselves. ;-)
Backup data on my computer.
Cook carne vino daas for Christmas morning.
Meetup with Autumn.
Carve a jack o' lantern.
Buy a BPA free water bottle & water filter system
Buy a little black dress.
Make a non-Christmas Eve or Day date to spend time with specific friends and family for the holidays.
Renew my passport (uh, oh. Or possibly get a new one completely if it may have expired.)
Go to the zoo.
Go to a comedy club.
Play miniature golf.
No t.v. one night a month. (0/32)
Try 3 new beers. (0/3)
Try 3 new wines (0/3)
Have one night a week that is a "date night" either out or in. (0/143)
See all of the films listed on the AFI's Top 100 American Films of the 20th Century (0/100)
Make my first holiday dinner (a whole turkey or something of the like.)
Everytime I cross off a goal, I put $2 into a fund to do as I wish.
After buying a home get either a pug, a husky or both
At the end of the 1001 days for any goals I have not completed I'm going to donate $2.
On Day 1001, publish a new 101 Things in 1001 Days list.
Get my right tragus pierced.
Make it to Lowell Winterfest.
Make it to Lowell Folk Festival.
Make it to Lowell Summer Music Festival.
Get a massage.
Go to Niagara Falls
Go to Six Flags
Play tennis
Play pool.
Get a tattoo
When in FL see a sunrise on the beach and a sunset on the beach on the same day.
When in FL go to the Salvador Dali museum
Go to a play.
Go to a concert (seperate from any of the Lowell Festivals or Hampton Beach summer series.)
Make a list of 101 things that bring me joy
Organize at least 1 girls night out.
Put coins in an expired meter for someone else.
Make a snowman.
Get my cholesterol to a healthy level.
Get my blood pressure to a healthy level.
Work on acquiring a classic wardrobe for work
Run a mile
Run 3 miles.
Run 10 miles.
Run a charity run for heart disease research
Run a charity run for breast cancer research.
Swear off soda for 2 weeks.
Finish my associate's degree (maybe even with honors)
Balance my free time between
-time for me
-time with Rich
-time with my family
-time with Rich's family
-time with friends
Read at least 1 book a month (0/32)
Read 5 classic novels (0/5)
Read 5 books from the current year's New York Times Bestseller List. (0/5)
Read 5 banned books. (0/5)
Plan out Christmas plans plenty early enough
-Christmas cards photo taken, ordered, written & mailed
-gifts bought, wrapped & shipped (if shipping applicable)
-house cleaned a lil extra & decorated
Memorize a poem
Start planning our wedding.
Pay off tickets to get my license back.
Work with Rich to pay off his tickets to get his license back.
Fix my car to pass inspection.
Fix Rich's car to pass inspection.
Pay all excise taxes for both of us.
Get a job.
Work on steps 1-3 of The Seven Steps to Financial Freedom
-#1- $1,000 to start an Emergency Fund
-#2- Pay off all debt using the Debt Snowball
-#3- 3 to 6 months of expenses in savings
Have a fully funded holiday fund.
After finished with the Baby Steps 1-3 & the wedding's complete start saving towards a down payment for a home.
Move into & decorate our own apartment on our own.
Help work on fixing up Grammy's house.
Work on updating the Lancewood house
Everytime I cross off a goal, I put $2 into a fund to do as I wish.
Vacation to Florida.
Keep Gato up to date with his vet check ups.
Keep all 4 animals on flea medication.
Work on advancing my skills including
-traditional meals (mashed potatoes, pot roast, meatloaf, steak)
-desserts (homemade pie, homemade cookies)
Vacation (maybe something all inclusive or a cruise)
Scrapbook more
Work on my iTunes library
Work on the family tree more.
Spend more time at Hampton Beach during the summer.
Try to see as many New England beaches as possible.
Get to know Boston.
-see the typical tourist spots
-get to know it as a native
Buy some sheet music and pick up the flute again.
Go through my MySpace, Facebook & MSN contacts/"friends" and either contact these people or delete 'em.
Go to as many state and national parks & museums as possible.
Use the 2009 Entertainment book I bought Rich for Christmas in 2008 as much as possible & buy another one in the years following.
Learn how to change a tire.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Intro to 101 things to do in 1001 days list we go it's January and January means resolution time for most people in Western society. I've made resolutions for years. I mean pretty much as long as I've known what a resolution was, and had the cognitive thought process to better myself. But, as with what I can only take as "most" people they never seem to stick. I think New Year's Resolutions by name are doomed to failure. We get all hyped up maybe at the earliest at the end of December and lose our steam by I'd say March at the very latest.