Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankfulness Project

I'm sure we've all had the question asked somewhere around the time of dinner on Thanksgiving Day "What are you thankful for this year?"  Well, I took that idea and ran with it.  The 16 days before Thanksgiving I updated my Twitter/Facebook/MySpace statuses with a new thing I'm thankful for.  I cannot take credit for the idea.  A former co-worker of mine, Judy Bergeron, did it first on her Facebook & I liked the idea so much I ran with it.  I actually had one of my friends from high school do it, too, Jen Tarantola.  And got a couple comments at first from friends of what they're thankful for.  After that it was mostly thumbs up along the way.

Well, to summarize, I haven't had the easiest 2009, and  I've had my struggles the last 6 years as well as the last 10.  Sometimes I've gotten a bit negative about life, and haven't held up being an optimist.  Anyhow, after thinking of a new thing for 16 days, which is actually harder than it sounds, it  made me think of all the things I have going right with my life & how much worse it could be.

Let me summarize where I got my list.  Day 1, 2, 3, 5, 9 & 10 are basically on Maslow's 1st & 2nd levels on the hierarchy of needs.  I think we all need to realize how lucky we are to be who we are.  The fact that I was born to who I was born to in the area I was born with the capabilities means I have access to some things that a lot of others don't.  I am able to get clean water from a faucet.  When I go to the bathroom it leaves the area I put it w/a simple flush.  I can go into my refrigerator or pantry to get food & when its out I have the convenience and means to get more at the grocery store.  If I get sick I can go to my doctor for a small co-pay & be quickly and safely treated for my illness, or if urgently ill go the emergency room.  I live in a country that I am not persecuted for my beliefs, where I can talk badly about officials and not be put in prison, and where both sexes and all races have the same rights.  I live in a home where I am able to go to sleep on a soft surface & stay warm and dry and clean from the elements.  And in life & especially in this economy I know I should be thankful for the job(s) I have.  I go on about how they're not the fields I'd like to be in when in reality I should be grateful for having one at all, nevermind two.  

I'd say that all of 4, 6, 9, 13 firmly fall on the 3rd level.  We all have our quarrels, disagreements & misunderstandings with our significant others, family & friends, but I think most of realize deep down that we still love them and always will.  I will admit to anyone (maybe not at all times)  ;-)  that I am stubborn, that I have a temper, that I can be jealous, that sometimes I don't always think with my left brain & can be irrational, but no matter what I am greatly thankful for Rich, my family (the Barradas', Meehan's, Smart's, Sweeney's, & Skinner's) & friends (old & new, online & in person, from elementary school, middle school, high school, college, Denny's, Papa Gino's Heartland Plaza, Papa Gino's Oakdale Plaza, Deluxe, Bath & Body Works, Loring Towers, and CCS) for all the do for me.  There is nothing that can replace the love & support of family (including significant others there) & friends.  I brood about how I don't get to go out & spend time with people that much, and yeah it stinks.  But, all in due time, I guess.  Lack of a legal license (see Day 16's item,) extra time w/the two jobs & hr commute, and not a whole lot of expendable income makes it tough.  That will never mean that I love any of you less.  You've been there for my good times & bad.  Hopefully more good are on the way.

7, 12, 14, 15, & 16 were just kinda random.  The window on Rich's dad's Mustang has been down & that's be a major inconvenience (w/the cold wind of November, rain & even a bit of snow) so that was a huge success when he was able to fix that.  I complain that I can buy this I want & that I want , and that I want, but I know that I do get the chance to buy some of the wants along side of the needs, just being in a materialistic society makes it hard to remember those wants I did get.  Alarm clocks was so silly, but true.  I don't know how that having a job thing would work out if they weren't invented & readily available.  I know occurrences sure shouldn't exist in that life.  And 16 was basically me just being grateful that my court case I had to take care of yesterday was cleared up with fairly minimal fines & no probation or jail time.  Kids don't drive when your license is suspended! ;-)  Oh, and 17, well see above.   :-D  No, seriously, I love getting to blog & express myself.  This is the 3rd blog I've had. I had a Xanga one, but it really turned out to be more of a diary.  I had a MySpace one, and that one became a little more like a public diary w/lots of venting.  And now this one.  Originally this was a 101 things to do in `1001 days, but w/money issues I'm thinking I'm going to find a new start date for the 1001 days and start anew.  So, for now its a mish mosh.

Love you all!  Have a happy happy Thanksgiving.

Day 1- having a warm, dry, multi-room home
Day 2- freedom & the constitution (especially the bill of rights)
Day 3- being employed. (Btw, these are in no particular order.)

Day 4- friends & family that love me.

Day 5- food on my plate (/table/pantry, etc...)
Day 6- an adorable boyfriend <3 We may have our troubles but who doesnt?
Day 7- that Rich fixed the window of the Mustang. Its up! <3
Day 8- the birth of social networking & iming
Day 9- Gato, my dad's 10 year old cat. <3 him! :-*
Day 10- My health.
Day 11- having access to clean water, safe food & healthcare
Day 12- being able to buy wants (sometimes) & not just needs.
Day 13- having unofficial therapists, tech support, etc...;-)
Day 14- paid time off (& two day work weeks!)
Day 15- alarm clocks (so I can attempt to not be late places)
Day 16- fair judges (court went as well as could be expected)