Sunday, March 7, 2010

Where I'm at now

So, wow.  Apparently I haven't blogged since Thanksgiving.  Maybe that's what's been wrong w/my life & my mind.  lol

The 101 Things To Do In 1001 Days has been indefinitely suspended.  I probably shouldn't.  I probably should press on & not let life get in the way of my wishes, wants, and dreams.  But, a lot of these have at least a little to do with money, and I have other plans for my money.  The sensible thing would be add the 101 Things... into the Wants List or Needs List, but that's too simple of an answer.  That would be just too easy.

Christmas went well.  I made it through w/my sanity.  I worked mega hours at Bath and Body Works while still working full-time at my regular job at CCS.  I was exhausted, but I managed to have the bills paid for, food on the table, gifts for all of Rich's family & the gifts wrapped by leaving for his sister and brother-in-law's house on Christmas afternoon.  I was kinda bummed that I wasn't able to afford, nor have transportation to see my family. Also, I tried to make plans with friends to go into Boston to see the Christmas decorations and what not, and that didn't work out.  I tried to see A Christmas Carol in 3D on IMAX with Rich's sister & family in Hooksett and that didn't work out.  I tried to see A Christmas Carol in 3D on IMAX with my half-brothers &/or half-sisters and nieces and nephew, and that didn't work out.  It kinda bummed me out.  I'm not gonna lie...  At least we got to spend time with Mike M as he was home from Iraq/Germany.  He bought me a incredible gift that I totally wasn't expecting, too.  A brand new iPod!  I feel bad that Rich and I were having rough times so I probably wasn't the best company on his leave.  Rich bought me a great present too.  A new printer!!!  I'd been needing one of these for a really long time.  I of course got other great presents, but those were the highlights.  And I had a great time hanging out w/Rich's nieces and nephew on Christmas Day.

New Year's Eve was low key, but fun hanging out w/Mike D, Rich and a friend of Mike's.  I had such high expectations & momentum for a good new year (and new decade.)  We will see how that goes.

Rich and I had some extremely difficult times, and actually broke up for about two weeks.  We broke up on our six year anniversary.  It probably sounds immature & petty as seeing as how we only broke up for two weeks.  But, we really enjoyed spending time together after things were sorted through, and had cooled down.  I feel like we kind of rediscovered what we love about each other, and have really been trying to support each other more now.

Speaking of support, Rich had been FABULOUS in his support of my newest venture...  Weight Watchers.  I never thought I'd join Weight Watchers.  Always thought it was for wicked obese middle age women (no offense to those wicked obese middle age women out there, but that's just not me right now.)  But, with the Weight Watchers at Work Program its kinda nice.  I'm getting to know more people at work & really learning a lot.  So, far I've lost 14 lbs in 7 weeks.  I'm starting to notice physically & in my clothes, and am really enjoying what I'm eating.  I've rediscovered foods that are truly delicious & filling, instead of foods that are only good because they're packed w/fat.  I do miss some things (crab rangoon, stuffed cheese crust pizza are really only two I can think of right this second,) but can eat the real thing if I want just in much smaller portions (for such fatty foods) or make a tweaked version of it.  But, I've tried lots of stuff that isn't difficult or expensive to make & is truly healthy and yummy.  Example- pita pizza pockets; shrimp caesar salad; stuffed portabello mushrooms; shark, vegetable, mozzarella paninis; oatmeal w/spices; egg beaters w/spices; Greek yogurt, and...oh wait fruit.  I've always loved fruit, but always made excuses as to why I didn't buy it or eat it. I've been doing extra stair climbing at work & walks on my breaks at work.  I just need to get into doing stuff at home too.  I really like working out, but am kinda using the cruddy weather as an excuse to not.

Last big thing going on is we might be moving back to Florida.  Rich's sister and her family moved back to Florida, again.  He really wants to spend time with her & I don't want to stand in the way of that.  It'll bum me out extremely to say goodbye to my friends & family again, but hopefully it'll be for the best & as part of it being for the best being us having jobs that we can come up to visit fairly often.  We will see I guess...  I just really want to be happy no matter where the geography.  I want to stay connected to Rich, my family, his family, my friends, his friends, our friends.  I want to get into a career where I'm giving back to the community & making a decent salary.  I want to travel the country.  I want to travel the world.  I want to have a house all of our own.  I want to get married & start a family.  I especially want a pug.  lol/jk

I know that it'll all come with time & life doesn't have to be perfect, but I'm just tired of being stagnant.  I want good changes in my life, and I know I'm the only one that can make that happen.