Thursday, August 20, 2009

Live life to your fullest theory

This kind of goes with the general idea of my blog. Maybe I'm looking too far into this whole thing, but how does the whole "live in the moment", "live like you're dying thing" type of thing work? I mean if you're a typical citizen, that being not a celebrity or socialite that's extremely rich and doesn't have to work and doesn't have children, how does one accomplish that?

I try to be as positive as possible & plan towards the future. Sometimes my plans don't work out as life seems to get in the way. This gets incredibly frustrating as I'm sure most people can relate to. I mean I wish I could wake up in the morning, eat a delicious (but healthy) breakfast, go for a run/skate/bike in a beautiful (and friendly) neighborhood, go to my incredibly intellectually & morally fulfilling job, come home to my clean, well decorated, paid-for home, have a fabulous (and once again healthy) dinner & be able to spend my nights & weekends having fun. Not to mention having really good relationships with my signifigant other, family, in-laws, and friends. Is this a dream or is this an acheivable reality? I mean when I break it down that simply it seems like a reality, but why does it seem so hard to reach then?

Sometimes I wonder if I'm whiny & just won't work to make my life better or if I'm just destined to have the life I have...

Another part of this that I though of is life on vacation versus regular life. Do we all really have that different of lives when we're on vacation? I'm thinking not, but its so much happier then. Is it possibly to apply those differences to our day to day life?

One last note, life on paper versus what your life truly is. I have a bad habit of comparing my life how it truly is to other people's lives on paper (noteably- MySpace & Facebook.) Basically bringing myself down because I don't have my own family (married or have kids), or having bought a home of our own, or I don't have a true career, or because I haven't really traveled post-high school, or partying till the sun comes up. It makes me feel like a failure & that I haven't done anything at all. I know this isn't the case, but its so hard to seperate the facade from reality when all you see is the facade.